The Public Working in Partnership with Bedfordshire Police for 40 years
Creating Safer Communities Together
Support for victims of rape and sexual assault

If you’ve been the victim, please report rape or sexual assault as soon as possible. Even if you’re not 100 per cent sure, we’d sooner hear from you so that we can make sure you’re safe. If you’re not ready to talk to the police just yet, that’s OK. Below you can find a range of places to get support, advice and medical help.
You can speak to these organisations in confidence and what you tell them won't be shared with the police unless you ask for it to be.
Independent sexual violence advisors (ISVAs)
Independent sexual violence advisors (ISVAs) work with adults and children who have experienced sexual violence and their families to get them access to the services they need.
You can talk to an ISVA without talking to the police.
The Emerald Centre Offers free support and practical help to anyone in Bedfordshire and Luton who has experienced any kind of sexual violence or sexual abuse. Call 01234 842750 or email admin.emeraldcentre@nhs.net Other useful links The charities, groups and organisations below can also provide specialist information and support.
Victim Support A national charity dedicated to helping anyone affected by crime – not just victims and witnesses, but friends, family and anyone else caught up in the aftermath. Rape Crisis A national charity offering confidential help, advice and a range of Rape Crisis Centres around the UK. Galop A national charity providing advice and support to members of the LGBT community. Survivors UK A national charity supporting men who have been raped or sexually assaulted. Safeline A specialist sexual violence and abuse charity led by the needs of its clients. The Survivors Trust Provides specialist support for women, men and children who have survived rape, sexual violence or childhood sexual abuse. Crimestoppers A national charity with a free helpline for reporting crime anonymously. Refuge Refuge supports women, children and men with a range of services, including refuges, independent advocacy, community outreach and culturally specific services. Women's Aid Women’s Aid is a national charity working to end domestic abuse against women and children. Men's Advice Line 0808 801 0327 Confidential helpline for men experiencing domestic violence from a partner or ex-partner (or from other family members).