The Public Working in Partnership with Bedfordshire Police for 40 years
Creating Safer Communities Together
How to Report Possible Child Abuse
If you are a victim of child abuse, or worried for the safety or wellbeing of a child, find out below all the different ways you can get in touch. Even if you’re not 100 per cent sure, please report your concerns. Your information could help our trained officers and staff protect the child.
The best ways to get in touch
If you suspect someone is in immediate danger, call 999 now. If you have a hearing or speech impairment, use our textphone service 18000 or text us on 999 if you’ve pre-registered with the emergencySMS service.
If it isn’t an emergency, please get in touch in any of these other ways:
call our non-emergency, 24/7 number: 101. If you have a hearing or speech impairment, use our textphone service on 18001 101
visit a police station to speak to an officer in person
contact the NSPCC to speak to a professional practitioner
contact the children's social care team at your local council
contact Crimestoppers confidentially and anonymously
If you’re a child, you could also speak to someone you trust, like a friend, a teacher or another adult.
If you’re a professional working with children, remember you have a responsibility to refer your concerns to Children’s Social Care through your local council.
What happens after you report it?
Uniformed officers may take an initial report, after which specialist detectives may investigate. They'll explain in detail what will happen next.
Neither you or the child will be forced to do anything you're not comfortable with. However we will always take action if we think a child is at risk of further harm.