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Child abuse
If you've witnessed or been the victim of child abuse, we know it can be difficult to come forward. Is what you've experienced child abuse? Who can you speak to? In the sections below we'll answer the most common questions we face on a daily basis and offer our advice for children, parents, guardians and professionals on how to get help. Remember: if you report it, we can stop it.
What is child abuse?
Child abuse is when anyone under the age of 18 is either being harmed or not properly looked after. There are four main categories of child abuse: physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse and neglect. Find out more about each below, as well as the warning signs that a child may be being abused.
Physical abuse
Physical abuse is when someone hurts a child or young person on purpose.
Examples of physical abuse are:
hitting, slapping, shaking or throwing
burning or scalding
drowning, suffocating or choking
pushing or kicking
inappropriate restraint or false imprisonment
using physical force to discipline
misusing medication
fabricating or inducing an illness or ill health
Signs and symptoms of physical abuse in children can include:
unexplained recurrent injuries, marks or burns
covering injuries with clothing even in hot weather
fear of physical contact and shrinking back if touched
The above are just a few examples.
Sexual abuse
Sexual abuse is when a child is enticed or forced to take part in sexual activities. This kind of abuse does not always involve a high level of violence and the child may or may not be aware of what is happening.
The abuse may be committed by adult men and women, or by other children.
Examples of sexual abuse are:
causing or inciting a child to watch or engage in sexual activities
encouraging a child to behave in sexually inappropriate ways
involving a child in looking at sexual images or videos
involving a child in the production of sexual images or videos
grooming a child in preparation for abuse (including via the internet)
Signs and symptoms of sexual abuse in children can include:
extreme reactions such as depression, self-mutilation, suicide attempts, running away, overdoses or anorexia
personality changes such as becoming insecure or clinging
being isolated or withdrawn
medical problems such as chronic itching, pain in the genitals or venereal diseases
The above are just a few examples. Another form of sexual abuse is child sexual exploitation.
Emotional abuse
Emotional abuse happens in many different ways. It can affect how a young person or child feels about themselves, or how they fit in with friends, at school, or where they live.
Examples of emotional abuse are:
being made to feel inadequate, worthless or unloved
being unfairly blamed
being bullied, including over the internet (cyber-bullying)
being made to feel frightened or in danger
witnessing the abuse of others such as domestic abuse
Signs and symptoms of emotional abuse in children can include:
reduced physical, mental and emotional development
continual self-depreciation, eg 'I'm stupid’, ‘I’m ugly’, ‘I’m worthless’
inappropriate response to pain, eg 'I deserve this'
neurotic behaviour, eg rocking, hair twisting or self-mutilation
The above are just a few examples.
Neglect is when a child or young person’s basic needs are persistently not being met by their parent or guardian.
These basic needs include:
adequate food, clothing and shelter
protection from physical and emotional harm or danger
adequate supervision (including not being left at home alone)
access to appropriate medical care including dental treatment
Signs and symptoms of neglect in children can include:
constant hunger or tiredness
poor personal hygiene
poor condition and cleanliness of clothing
untreated medical problems
no social relationships
The above are just a few examples.
If you suspect a child is suffering from abuse, even if you’re not sure, please tell someone. Find out the different ways you can get in touch on How to report possible child abuse page.