The Public Working in Partnership with Bedfordshire Police for 40 years
Creating Safer Communities Together
Dan Vajzovic

Deputy Chief Constable

Dan Vajzovic has been confirmed as Bedfordshire Police’s new Deputy Chief Constable.
The former Assistant Chief Constable (ACC) of the Eastern Region Special Operations Unit (ERSOU) was selected to step into the role vacated by Bedfordshire Police’s new Chief Constable Trevor Rodenhurst.
He has been carrying out the role on a temporary basis since September and was confirmed following a two-day selection process held at force HQ in Kempston which included a focus group with key stakeholders and staff.
Mr Rodenhurst said: “I’m delighted to announce Dan as my new deputy. He brings a great deal of experience from his previous roles, particularly leading the regional response to fighting serious organised crime and terrorism.
“I’ve been impressed with how quickly he has got to know Bedfordshire, spending time with our workforce to understand our strengths and our challenges. That understanding really shone through during the selection process.
“His leadership experience will be key in working with partners to help keep the public safe, while he has been a passionate advocate for building a positive, inclusive culture, which remains a clear focus for my chief officer team.”
Mr Vajzovic had been ERSOU ACC since 2019 and has also held that rank leading the Joint Protective Services for Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire, and at Cambridgeshire Constabulary where he began his career.
He said: “It’s a real honour and a privilege to have been appointed and I’m looking forward to working hard to serve the communities and staff of Bedfordshire Police.”
I am the Deputy Chief Constable of Bedfordshire Police where I have responsibility for overseeing all aspects of local police deliveryI have previously held Chief Officer posts working in Protective Services, Local Policing and most recently in Counter Terrorism and Serious and Organised Crime. l am proud to be working with a team of motivated officers and staff working across all of these disciplines in Bedfordshire and further afield.I lead National Police Chief's Council working groups developing policy and practice for:Sex WorkingOnline CSE/A Activist GroupsCSE/A Undercover on LineI am an accredited Strategic Firearms Commander, CT Commander, Public Order Gold Commander and experienced and accredited multi-agency Gold. I have a background largely in Detective Posts. I am particularly interested in organisational development, investing in our workforce and changing culture, building professionalism and improving public service through development of collaborative delivery mechanisms.