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Trevor Rodenhurst

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Chief Constable

In 1994, Mr Rodenhurst joined Hertfordshire Constabulary from University.  He has been a career detective progressing from local CID, to subsequently spend a number of years in specialisms including serious and organised crime, major crime, intelligence, and counter-terrorism.

In 2014, Mr Rodenhurst seconded to the Eastern Region Special Operations unit where he served as the Detective Chief Superintendent for both the Regional Organised Crime Unit (ROCU) and Counter Terrorism Policing Command, and subsequently as the Regional Assistant Chief Constable.

In 2017, Mr Rodenhurst became Assistant Chief Constable for the Eastern Region Special Operations Unit.

In September 2019, he became the Deputy Chief Constable for Bedfordshire Police where in addition to his force responsibility he has lead force responsibility for Joint Protective Services for Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire and the Eastern Regions Counter Terrorism and Organised Crime Command. He is the NPCC lead for ROCU’s and the deputy NPCC lead for Serious and Organised Crime.

In January 2023, Mr Rodenhurst took over as Bedfordshire Chief Constable.

He is currently the National Police Chiefs’ Council lead for Regional Organised Crime Units and Undercover Policing. 

  • The Bedfordshire Police has responsibility for both Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire Joint Protective Services – which comprises collaborated units such as

  • Roads Policing,

  • Firearms,

  • Major Crime and;

  • ERSOU which tackles serious organised crime and counter terrorism across the region. 

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