The Public Working in Partnership with Bedfordshire Police for 40 years
Creating Safer Communities Together
Road traffic incident support organisations

A road safety charity working with communities and organisations across the UK to stop road deaths and injuries, make streets and communities safer, and support people bereaved and seriously injured on roads.
Victim Support
A national charity dedicated to helping anyone affected by crime to cope with and recover from their experience. If it doesn't have an office in your area, it can point you to local help. It also runs My Support Space, a free, safe, secure and confidential space where you can choose how you want to be supported. Register for My Support Space - it's quick and easy. Motor Insurers' Bureau A government organisation that helps to compensate the victims of uninsured and untraced motorists.
Road Victims Trust
The Road Victims Trust is a registered charity offering a range of free support services to residents of Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire who have been affected by fatal road collisions.