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Protecting your business from terrorism

There are several steps you can take to protect your employees and business from the threat of terrorism. First, it’s worth asking your staff and any others who use your premises to familiarise themselves with our advice on Staying safe from terrorism.

Second, you can read Protect UK's publicly accessible locations guidance. It tells you, among other things, about managing risk, business continuity, communication and how to deal with bomb threats. Also read advice for security managers during a heightened threat level to improve your business's security procedures.

Finally, you and your staff can complete the ACT Awareness eLearning package and you can also contact your local counter terrorism security adviser to get specialist advice tailored to your business. Find out more and get in touch below.

ACT Awareness

ACT (Action Counters Terrorism) Awareness is a national scheme to protect buildings, business areas and their surrounding neighbourhoods from the threat of terrorism.

Complete the ACT Awareness eLearning course

You and your staff can take the ACT Awareness eLearning course, which has been designed for all UK businesses and organisations by the National Counter Terrorism Security Office. The course takes under an hour to complete and modules include:

  • Identifying Security Vulnerabilities

  • How to Identify and Respond to Suspicious Behaviour

  • What to do in the Event of a Bomb Threat

Contact a counter terrorism security adviser (CTSA)

As part of ACT Awareness local counter terrorism security advisers (CTSAs) work closely with businesses, representatives of trade organisations and professional bodies across the UK, making sure their protective security measures and plans are kept up to date with the latest counter-terrorism security advice. CTSAs have comprehensive, specialist training in areas such as:

  • explosives and precursor chemicals

  • pathogens and toxins

  • radiological sources

  • site and vulnerable point surveying

  • business continuity and disaster recovery

  • information and personnel security

  • integrated security systems

  • designing out vehicle-borne terrorism

  • chemical, biological, radioactive or nuclear (CBRN) defence

If you'd like to request advice from your local CTSA or ask about something else to do with protecting your business from terrorism, click 'Start' below to complete our quick and simple online form. Start

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